Lana’s Workout Plan

Just to keep things consistent, I thought I should do a short update on my health goals and achievements.

I have been going to the gym, in the mornings 6days a week for over 2months now. I must say, I feel great. High-energy, good sleep, mostly good moods, and very inspired to make changes and set big goals for myself personally and professionally.

I enjoy working out in the morning. After years upon years of complaining about getting up super early ever…I have finally made peace with this. I’m convinced it’s a coming of age thing. Another important factor is that my gym is pricey and therefore luxurious. The locker room is like a spa. There is a cleaning lady constantly doing rounds. The shower room is even more like a spa. I almost enjoy getting ready there more than I do at home–the water temp is stable and the towels are like the hotel kind that dry your skin within seconds.

As far as my eating habits. I’m pretty excellent during the week. I’m ravenous after the gym and breakfast at 9am is a childhood favorite, peanut butter and honey on an english muffin (whole wheat). Then I’ve been eating yogurt around 12pm.  I pick a lunch to stick with throughout the week that is a very small portion of food, which I have at about 2/3pm. Then around 4 or 6pm I end my workday with an apple. At home, I have 5 meals that are healthy that I can choose from and make (not heat, make) in 10-30min. I still get cooking in, but it’s healthy and super quick. The most important thing is to keep my portions down so I’m sure to put far less on my plate that nF’s every time.

I did make two adjustments to my diet this week. Stopped by Ralph’s for reduced-fat peanut butter, which they don’t make at Trader Joe’s. And also got reduced-fat yogurt instead of the delicious, but fattier, greek kind I’ve been loving.

Drink-wise, I still stick with my morning Americano, lots of water, and wine instead of beer every time I can.

Weekends are kinda my free-for-all days. I enjoy unhealthy brunches, and less than healthy dinners…it’s not mandatory, but I don’t restrain myself like I do on the weekdays. However, I do still pay attention to portion size. BUT here is one of the main differences. I only allow myself to go out and go ALL out one night of the weekend. This is because on one of the mornings, I must be able to do a 30min walk and/or 40min of strength training…so I cannot be hungover or tired.

Now, I’m not telling you all of this to say that I’ve lost an extraordinary amount of weight. I’m not even sure that I have. But of course, my cloths are fitting better and sadly I’m able to purchase a lot more cute stuff from the store, which makes me happy, but makes my checkbook sad.

I’m telling you this to say that I’m happy right now. I feel healthy, dedicated, and in control. I am on my plan and I’ve made others and the world around me conform to it and I feel good about that.

Now, for my next goals…muahahahhahaha. You just wait for that updates. Be patient, cuz I have to be…but just wait.


3 Responses to “Lana’s Workout Plan”
  1. melissa says:

    I’m very happy that you’re happy. being on top of things, physically, mentally, and emotionally must feel extremely rewarding.

    you’re a real inspiration to me right now, darlin’. 🙂 I think I might not be far behind and I heartily appreciate your lead.

    as always, you’re the best!

  2. Mike says:

    I am happy to hear that you are going to the gym on a regular basis, since I am sending them your gym “tuition”. But I am also happy to see that you are back to writing on your LanaBerry blog…. I always think that this is something that you need to be doing, to get your inner self out to your public….

    Keep up the good work… As soon as the snow clears and the puddles are gone I will start walking at the forest preserve after work… got to get that cholesterol down as well as the blood pressure… and lets not forget the losing of forty pounds…

    I am eating fruit at break in the morning with diet ice green or white tea and fruit cups and yogurt for snacks at home.. but I did have a pizza on Friday because pizza was invented to raise your spirits and to give your tummy a cozy content feeling… I love pizza… I am a pizzaholic… but I am getting better….

    Keep up the good work

    I love you can I say that on your blog….

  3. lanaberry says:

    Just wanted to add that my dad who posted the comment before me in no longer paying for my gym membership haha…I have to point that out bc I’m proud to claim this independence!!!! But still–huge thanks for the years of support, that’s for sure….gettin’ it together!

    Also for Melissa…that’s great that it’s inspiration, it really just does have to be a decision one day that just clicks. I never “got it” till now, but it is working for me.

    And for the general record, I did weigh myself to find that I did in fact lose over 10lbs 🙂

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